Contact Information
SWAY Energy Inc.
314 10654-82 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 2A7
Fax: 780.439.2234
SWAY Energy Inc.
314 10654-82 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 2A7
Fax: 780.439.2234

SWAY has considerable bench strength. It has attracted individuals with successful track records and project experience as highly sought-after process engineers, industry leaders, and business owners. SWAY is proud of its Advisory Board and their role in SWAY's sustainable growth strategy and of its management team that work each day to ensure that SWAY's core vision is realized: SWAY'S clients benefit from their collective experience and expertise.
Advisory Board
Lou Zaccardelli
Rod Corbett, PEng
Board and Management Team
Chairman, Dini Corbett-Lourenço, PhD
Vice President Business Development, Dave Thompson, BA
Vice President Engineering, Tim Morris, PEng