SWAY Energy Inc.
314 10654-82 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 2A7
Fax: 780.439.2234

Dini Corbett-Lourenço, PhD
Email: dinicl@swayenergy.ca
SWAY Energy Inc. President and CEO is Dr. Claudine (Dini) Corbett-Lourenço. Dini has been president of Lourenço Technology Corporation (LTC) since 2000. LTC is a privately held company located in Edmonton, involved in consulting, renewable energy projects and technology transfer. In addition to her work in industry, Dini also brings to SWAY over 20 years experience in the local and international education sector. Dini started her career in sales, was an Instructor, Program Chair, Director and educational consultant in the college sector responsible for developing and achieving strategic and business plans, developing revenue generating business units and managing significant financial and human resource budgets. An expert in planning, organizational development and administration, Dini will provide the strategic planning, management, and government relations to position SWAY Energy Inc. as a leader in the energy sector.