SWAY Energy Inc.
314 10654-82 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 2A7
Fax: 780.439.2234

SWAY was conceptualized through careful analysis by our management and technical team in answer to the question, "How do you challenge the status quo, meet the growing demand for more environmentally responsible power and provide power stability and security for business consumers in a deregulated electricity marketplace?" In response to the question, the market and deregulation were studied, various technologies researched and a proprietary economic and technical model developed to test various business, technical, and environmental assumptions. SWAY was incorporated as a result of that work: We envision being the best among a new breed of power producers in Canada responding to the emerging market for environmentally responsible power and decentralized generation. Our vision is complemented by the following fundamental principles:
- Stay current with the market and deregulation
- Promote locally generated, economical decentralized energy solutions
- Utilize turnkey, state-of-the-art technology
- Provide improved power quality, reliability and a secure supply of energy that reduces greenhouse gases
- Provide responsive, 24/7 first-in-class service delivery
- Be known as a responsible corporate citizen
- Contribute to relevant government and industry initiatives