Contact Information
SWAY Energy Inc.
314 10654-82 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 2A7
Fax: 780.439.2234
SWAY Energy Inc.
314 10654-82 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 2A7
Fax: 780.439.2234

Dave Thompson, BA
SWAY Energy Inc. Vice President Business Development is Mr. Dave Thompson. Dave has had a successful 30-year career in the insurance industry. Twenty six of those years were in management focusing on operations, acquisitions, and business development with 12 years in executive positions. In his recent role as Senior Vice President Operations for Canada with a major insurer, Dave was responsible for eight successful acquisitions of small local companies that represented 45% growth while managing over 500 staff on business of $50MM. Dave is responsible for business development including achievement of the strategic marketing plan that will underpin SWAY reaching its planned revenue targets.